00: Introduction


Thomas Manke

Block 1: Groundwork

  • Starting RStudio: a GUI for R
  • Simple functions (input, output, parameters & help)
  • Data: I/O, Types, Formats & Structures

Block 2: Speaking about Data

  • Data Descriptions
  • Data Visualization: simple plots and advanced heatmaps
  • Data Models: linear models

Block 3: Open the universe

  • installing and using packages
  • tidyverse: data cleaning, filtering, merging

Block 4: Advanced topics and case studies

  • R scripts, R markdown & reproducible analyses
  • data exploration


After the course you will be able to

  • understand the basic syntax of R
  • find help for more nifty problems
  • install and use packages for your specific questions
  • see the limitations of EXCEL
  • understand the importance of structured data
  • understand some bioinformatics jargon
  • understand common difficulties in data analysis
  • increase the value of your CV
  • produce figures such as

Typical examples from R.


This course does not teach

  • programming new tools: focus on existing tools
  • bioinformatics: BSc course (3 yrs ++)
  • NGS analysis: other programs (Linux, Galaxy, deepTools)

Why R ?

  • Standard software for data analysis, statistics, and visualization
  • free and community support
  • many packages available (for data I/O, manipulation, high-end: expression analysis)
  • good compromise between flexibility (programming) and box-solutions (packages)
  • suitable for very large dataset (filtering, merging)
  • interactive and scripting
  • not the best solution for everything (e.g. mapping)
  • frequent requirement during (bioinformatics) hiring

Embrace the learning curve

  • steep (but rewarding)
  • First hurdles:
    • it’s a new language: vocabulary & grammar
    • choices: many ways to say (to program) the same things
    • more choices: many (redundant) packages
    • computers are stubborn and stupid: they do not think along
  • More hurdles
    • case sensitivity: \(a \ne A\)
    • parameter sensitivity
    • sofware dependencies

Start Rstudio