getwd() # working directory
dir() # display content
='data/iris.csv' # relative to wd
filename= read.csv(filename) # file content --> memory (d)
d str(d)
Thomas Manke
Goal: Ultimately we want to access our own data and write results to file.
Comma-separated text files (ASCII) are both human and machine readible. Other separators may be chosen (tab or “|”). This format is frequently used for simple data, such as rows of different samples/observations and columns of multiple variables (per sample)
Important: Make sure that you know the precise location of your data file and provide this as filename.
There are many different ways to load such data into memory and to customize the loading.
Notice that files do not need to be available locally, but might be provided by some URL.
Be aware that in those cases there might be significant reduced loading speed, depending on your network connections.
Especially for big data it is common to store them in compressed format (e.g. *gz) to reduced the storage footprint and speed-up data transfer. Such files are not human readable (binary) can also be read
'data.frame': 150 obs. of 5 variables:
$ Sepal.Length: num 5.1 4.9 4.7 4.6 5 5.4 4.6 5 4.4 4.9 ...
$ Sepal.Width : num 3.5 3 3.2 3.1 3.6 3.9 3.4 3.4 2.9 3.1 ...
$ Petal.Length: num 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.7 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.5 ...
$ Petal.Width : num 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 ...
$ Species : chr "setosa" "setosa" "setosa" "setosa" ...
There are many ways to save data to text files. One of the simplest uses write.csv
For large data you may prefer to write compressed version:
In the context of the R-programming language, RData is a very convenient (binary) format that can be used to save multiple data structures or even whole environments It’s very efficient when you exchange your data with other R-users (or your future self)
Sometimes we want to save all objects and variable that have accumulated in the “Global Environment” - just to be sure. This task tests some jargon, familiarity with directory structure and ability to find help. Please try it yourself.
Notice: The suffix (.RData) is not strictly necessary, but it is best practice and used consistently by the community.
Typical data analyses involve many successive steps.
To record everything that was done - and ultimately to be able to reproduce this - we use scripts.
Basically these are just lines of code that are collected in a text file.
In Rstudio they can be created using File > New File > R script
Task (10 min):
to do the following:
data, create a new data_frame d
of all flowers where Sepal.Length
is greater or equal to 7 cm.data_frame
. Save this number as variable nf
(hint: there are two useful functions: unique()
and length()
)data_frame d
in comma seperated file iris_big_sepal.csv
Query: After the filtering, how many flowers and how many species are left?
Many external data is badly formatted, leading to much wasted time - before any analysis.
The code snippets below are not run - but try them out
title: "03: Getting Data In and Out"
author: "Thomas Manke"
- files
- formats
- directories
- I/O
- R scripts
```{r, child="_setup.qmd"}
**Goal**: Ultimately we want to access our own data and write results to file.
## CSV files
Comma-separated text files (ASCII) are both human and machine readible.
Other separators may be chosen (tab or "|").
This format is frequently used for simple data, such as rows of different samples/observations and columns of multiple variables (per sample)
Make sure that you know the precise location of your data file and provide this as filename.
- home and working directory
- relative and absolute path
```{r csv, eval=FALSE}
getwd() # working directory
dir() # display content
filename='data/iris.csv' # relative to wd
d = read.csv(filename) # file content --> memory (d)
There are many different ways to load such data into memory and to customize the loading.
- Explore ?read.csv to get a first overview how this function can be customized.
- How would you read only the first 10 lines?
- Explore the data object d
- *Optional bonus:* try your own file and brace! Is it clean enough?
## From URL
Notice that files do not need to be available locally, but might be provided by some URL.
Be aware that in those cases there might be significant reduced loading speed, depending on your network connections.
```{r url, eval=FALSE}
d = read.csv(filename, sep='\t')
## Compressed formats
Especially for big data it is common to store them in compressed format (e.g. *gz) to reduced the storage footprint and speed-up data transfer.
Such files are not human readable (binary) can also be read
```{r gzip}
cmd = "gunzip -c data/iris.tsv.gz" # command to uncompress
d = read.csv(pipe(cmd), sep='\t') # read as pipe
## Writing data
There are many ways to save data to text files. One of the simplest uses `write.csv`.
```{r write_csv, eval=FALSE}
write.csv(iris, file="output/iris.csv", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
For large data you may prefer to write compressed version:
```{r write_gz, eval=FALSE}
write.csv(iris, gzfile("output/iris.csv.gz"))
- Change some of the parameters (row.names, quote) and observed their effect on the resulting file
- Save only the subset of flowers where Species="setosa" to a file setosa.tsv
```{r, eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE}
write.csv(iris[iris$Species=="setosa",], file="output/setosa.csv", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
## RData
In the context of the R-programming language, RData is a very convenient (binary) format that can be used to save multiple data structures or even whole environments
It's very efficient when you exchange your data with other R-users (or your future self)
### Specific objects
```{r rdata}
d = iris # copy of iris data
fn="output/iris.RData" # filename (and extension) of choice
save(d, file=fn)
rm(d) # remove object d for illustration - and watch global env
load(fn) # reload object d from file - and watch global env
### Task: All objects
Sometimes we want to save all objects and variable that have accumulated in the "Global Environment" - just to be sure.
This task tests some jargon, familiarity with directory structure and ability to find help.
Please try it yourself.
- Create a new data object for the iris data set as before *and* additional variables for your favorite numbers and perhaps some favorite strings.
- Save the whole environment (using `save.image()`)
- Delete the whole environment aka "workspace"; e.g. using `rm(list=ls())`
- Reload the environment and confirm that you successfully recreated all objects
- Determine your current working directory (>getwd())
- Locate saved image on disk and inspect its size. Delete it if you prefer.
# your code snippet here
```{r rdat_env, eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE}
# define some variables
d = iris
s = "Hello Thomas"
n = 42
v = 1:1000
getwd() # make sure you know where you writing to
save.image("output/my_env.RData") # default image_name = ".RData"
rm(list=ls()) # remove everything = sweep global environment
load("output/my_env.RData") # recreate all
**Notice**: The suffix (.RData) is not strictly necessary, but it is best practice and used consistently by the community.
# R Scripts
Typical data analyses involve many successive steps.
To record everything that was done - and ultimately to be able to reproduce this - we use scripts.
Basically these are just lines of code that are collected in a text file.
In Rstudio they can be created using `File > New File > R script`
**Task** (10 min):
* Create a new R-script `filter_iris.R` to do the following:
- Starting from the pre-compiled `iris` data, create a new `data_frame d` of all flowers where `Sepal.Length` is greater or equal to 7 cm.
- determine the number flower in the new `data_frame`. Save this number as variable `nf`
- How many different species are in the new data_frame. Save this number as variable `ns` (hint: there are two useful functions: `unique()` and `length()`)
- write the new `data_frame d` in comma seperated file `iris_big_sepal.csv`
- save the whole environment in a file `analysis.RData`
* Save the script and run it (source)
* Bonus: Delete all whole environment reload it from the image file
**Query**: After the filtering, how many flowers and how many species are left?
# Review
* Many different data sources, formats & structures
- text files: *.tsv, *.csv, ...
- compressed files: *.bed.gz
- application specific: .*RData, (.*xls)
* Reading Data: many ways
- read.csv(), read.table(), scan(), ...
- from URL
- customization with parameters
- and there is more: special packages
* Writing Data: many ways
- write.csv()
- save() $\to$ load()
- save.image() $\to$ load()
* Data I/O can be challenging:
- file $\to$ memory
- know your paths, format, type, size
- ensure clean and structured data
- bring time and patience
* R scripts: writing and running (source)
# Appendix: reality of I/O
Many external data is badly formatted, leading to much wasted time - before any analysis.
The code snippets below are not run - but try them out
```{r trial_and_error, eval=FALSE, error=TRUE}
# file=""
read.csv(file, comment.char = "%") # comment lines
read.csv(file, comment.char = "%", sep="\t") # separators
```{r process_NA, eval=FALSE}
# use ncol,, na.omit()
ic = colSums( == ncol(d) # columns where all enries are NA
d1 = d[, !ic] # exclude those columns
- This file is a mess
- Many data come like this
- read functions have many parameters for better control
- there are also other dedicated software packages to help (somewhat)