07: Data Import with Tidyverse

Juan Caballero

Before we begin

  • If you are not using Workbench, please install the following packages:
  • The command will install a large set of packages that are designed to work together, including ggplot2.

And load the package



  • This presentation is heavily influenced by Rafael Irizarry’s book Introduction to Data Science and his corresponding course on EdX.
  • It also draws on material from previous MPI R courses given by Devon Ryan and David Koppstein.
  • Updated with the Software Carpentry course “Introduction to data analysis with R and Bioconductor

Following along

  • For each module, please create a separate R script and type in and execute the commands that are to follow along.

  • The code from some slides depends on the previous slides!

  • You can execute each line individually using Command-Enter on Mac, alt-Enter on Workbench.

Our example dataset

Gender matched eight week old C57BL/6 mice were inoculated saline or with Influenza A (Puerto Rico/8/34; PR8, 1.0 HAU) by intranasal route and transcriptomic changes in the cerebellum and spinal cord tissues were evaluated by RNA-seq (Hiseq-2500 100bp PE-reads) at days 0 (non-infected), 4 and 8.

But for this session, we’ll use https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maxplanck-ie/Rintro/2024.04/qmd/data/rnaseq_counts_wide.csv which contains a table for gene expression (1474 genes) per sample (22 samples)

Data Import in the Tidyverse

The first step for any analysis is importing the data into a machine-readable format. The tidyverse offers the readr:: and readxl:: packages.


  • most data can be easy to import when it’s properly formatted in a text format

  • MS Excel files can be read and/or write but should be avoided

Table formats

CSV (comma separated values)


TSV (tab separated values)



  • readr:: is the Tidyverse library for reading data from text formats.
  • read_csv(), read_tsv(), read_table(), and read_delim() are some of the functions provided
  • read_csv2() allows for reading of European-style CSV files (e.g. using ;)

readr:: in action

Example commands, don’t run

# read file in CSV format, file is in working directory
dat = read_csv("file.csv")

# read file using full path, file is anywhere in the filesystem
dat = read_csv("/full/path/to/file.csv")

# read file using URL, file is anywhere in the internet
dat = read_csv("https://server.com/region/file.csv")

readr:: in action

rna_file = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maxplanck-ie/Rintro/2024.04/qmd/data/rnaseq_counts_wide.csv"

rna = read_csv(rna_file)

# What is this "*rna*"?
# A tibble: 1,474 × 23
   gene    GSM2545336 GSM2545337 GSM2545338 GSM2545339 GSM2545340 GSM2545341
   <chr>        <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
 1 Asl           1170        361        400        586        626        988
 2 Apod         36194      10347       9173      10620      13021      29594
 3 Cyp2d22       4060       1616       1603       1901       2171       3349
 4 Klk6           287        629        641        578        448        195
 5 Fcrls           85        233        244        237        180         38
 6 Slc2a4         782        231        248        265        313        786
 7 Exd2          1619       2288       2235       2513       2366       1359
 8 Gjc2           288        595        568        551        310        146
 9 Plp1         43217     101241      96534      58354      53126      27173
10 Gnb4          1071       1791       1867       1430       1355        798
# ℹ 1,464 more rows
# ℹ 16 more variables: GSM2545342 <dbl>, GSM2545343 <dbl>, GSM2545344 <dbl>,
#   GSM2545345 <dbl>, GSM2545346 <dbl>, GSM2545347 <dbl>, GSM2545348 <dbl>,
#   GSM2545349 <dbl>, GSM2545350 <dbl>, GSM2545351 <dbl>, GSM2545352 <dbl>,
#   GSM2545353 <dbl>, GSM2545354 <dbl>, GSM2545362 <dbl>, GSM2545363 <dbl>,
#   GSM2545380 <dbl>

What is a tibble?

  • Tibbles are like data frames, but more modern, and are built for the Tidyverse
  • The interface is the same, using e.g. $ for columns
  • Tibbles can contain more complex objects than just strings, numbers, or booleans, like lists or functions
  • Tibbles can be grouped
  • You can see the types of each column in a tibble

What is Tidy Data?

  • In tidy data, each row is an observation and each column is a different variable (long-format).
  • In wide data, each row contains several observations, and the columns contain values (wide-format).

Hands on

Get the basic statistics for each sample in rna

Which sample has the highest mean expression?

Hands on

     gene             GSM2545336      GSM2545337          GSM2545338   
 Length:1474        Min.   :    0   Min.   :     0.00   Min.   :    0  
 Class :character   1st Qu.:   91   1st Qu.:    56.25   1st Qu.:   52  
 Mode  :character   Median :  611   Median :   494.50   Median :  468  
                    Mean   : 2062   Mean   :  1765.51   Mean   : 1668  
                    3rd Qu.: 2090   3rd Qu.:  1798.75   3rd Qu.: 1692  
                    Max.   :89445   Max.   :101241.00   Max.   :96534  
   GSM2545339         GSM2545340        GSM2545341      GSM2545342     
 Min.   :    0.00   Min.   :    0.0   Min.   :    0   Min.   :    0.0  
 1st Qu.:   77.25   1st Qu.:   59.5   1st Qu.:   47   1st Qu.:   63.0  
 Median :  541.50   Median :  487.0   Median :  462   Median :  470.5  
 Mean   : 1696.12   Mean   : 1681.8   Mean   : 1638   Mean   : 1594.1  
 3rd Qu.: 1772.75   3rd Qu.: 1811.5   3rd Qu.: 1694   3rd Qu.: 1625.8  
 Max.   :58354.00   Max.   :53126.0   Max.   :61758   Max.   :60132.0  
   GSM2545343         GSM2545344        GSM2545345        GSM2545346      
 Min.   :    0.00   Min.   :    0.0   Min.   :    0.0   Min.   :    0.00  
 1st Qu.:   72.25   1st Qu.:   58.0   1st Qu.:   52.0   1st Qu.:   67.25  
 Median :  634.00   Median :  502.5   Median :  497.5   Median :  497.50  
 Mean   : 2106.96   Mean   : 1712.4   Mean   : 1700.2   Mean   : 1692.77  
 3rd Qu.: 2266.25   3rd Qu.: 1778.2   3rd Qu.: 1834.5   3rd Qu.: 1722.25  
 Max.   :98658.00   Max.   :61356.0   Max.   :61647.0   Max.   :71706.00  
   GSM2545347        GSM2545348          GSM2545349      GSM2545350      
 Min.   :    0.0   Min.   :     0.00   Min.   :    0   Min.   :    0.00  
 1st Qu.:   63.0   1st Qu.:    70.25   1st Qu.:   66   1st Qu.:   71.25  
 Median :  549.5   Median :   570.50   Median :  573   Median :  624.00  
 Mean   : 1805.4   Mean   :  1976.72   Mean   : 1871   Mean   : 2208.66  
 3rd Qu.: 1872.0   3rd Qu.:  2038.00   3rd Qu.: 2009   3rd Qu.: 2314.75  
 Max.   :71375.0   Max.   :102790.00   Max.   :82722   Max.   :91642.00  
   GSM2545351        GSM2545352         GSM2545353      GSM2545354   
 Min.   :    0.0   Min.   :    0.00   Min.   :    0   Min.   :    0  
 1st Qu.:   83.0   1st Qu.:   84.25   1st Qu.:   74   1st Qu.:   60  
 Median :  557.5   Median :  647.00   Median :  606   Median :  534  
 Mean   : 1887.7   Mean   : 2181.93   Mean   : 2004   Mean   : 1823  
 3rd Qu.: 1885.2   3rd Qu.: 2294.00   3rd Qu.: 2149   3rd Qu.: 1961  
 Max.   :75277.0   Max.   :74044.00   Max.   :71237   Max.   :84540  
   GSM2545362         GSM2545363      GSM2545380      
 Min.   :    0.00   Min.   :    0   Min.   :    0.00  
 1st Qu.:   93.25   1st Qu.:   48   1st Qu.:   75.25  
 Median :  625.00   Median :  520   Median :  597.50  
 Mean   : 1976.61   Mean   : 1816   Mean   : 2059.77  
 3rd Qu.: 1956.25   3rd Qu.: 1997   3rd Qu.: 2071.25  
 Max.   :71380.00   Max.   :66033   Max.   :87942.00  

Dplyr in action - pivot_longer()

To transform the data in a long-format we use pivot_longer(), it takes as inputs:

  1. the data to be transformed;
  2. the names_to the new column name we wish to create and populate with the current column names;
  3. the values_to the new column name we wish to create and populate with current values;
  4. the names of the columns to be used to populate the names_to and values_to variables (or to drop with -).

Dplyr in action - pivot_longer()

rna_long = pivot_longer(
                 names_to = "sample",
                 values_to = "expression",
# A tibble: 32,428 × 3
   gene  sample     expression
   <chr> <chr>           <dbl>
 1 Asl   GSM2545336       1170
 2 Asl   GSM2545337        361
 3 Asl   GSM2545338        400
 4 Asl   GSM2545339        586
 5 Asl   GSM2545340        626
 6 Asl   GSM2545341        988
 7 Asl   GSM2545342        836
 8 Asl   GSM2545343        535
 9 Asl   GSM2545344        586
10 Asl   GSM2545345        597
# ℹ 32,418 more rows

Dplyr in action - pivot_longer()

Dplyr in action - pivot_longer()

Column selection can be defined with patterns

rna_long2 = pivot_longer(
                 names_to = "sample",
                 values_to = "expression",
                 cols = starts_with("GSM"))
# A tibble: 32,428 × 3
   gene  sample     expression
   <chr> <chr>           <dbl>
 1 Asl   GSM2545336       1170
 2 Asl   GSM2545337        361
 3 Asl   GSM2545338        400
 4 Asl   GSM2545339        586
 5 Asl   GSM2545340        626
 6 Asl   GSM2545341        988
 7 Asl   GSM2545342        836
 8 Asl   GSM2545343        535
 9 Asl   GSM2545344        586
10 Asl   GSM2545345        597
# ℹ 32,418 more rows

Dplyr in action - pivot_longer()

Column selection can be also defined with ranges

rna_long3 = pivot_longer(
                 names_to = "sample",
                 values_to = "expression",
# A tibble: 32,428 × 3
   gene  sample     expression
   <chr> <chr>           <dbl>
 1 Asl   GSM2545336       1170
 2 Asl   GSM2545337        361
 3 Asl   GSM2545338        400
 4 Asl   GSM2545339        586
 5 Asl   GSM2545340        626
 6 Asl   GSM2545341        988
 7 Asl   GSM2545342        836
 8 Asl   GSM2545343        535
 9 Asl   GSM2545344        586
10 Asl   GSM2545345        597
# ℹ 32,418 more rows

Dplyr in action - pivot_wider()

The inverse operation is pivot_wider() can transform long-format to wide-format.

It takes three main arguments:

  1. the data to be transformed

  2. the names_from are the column whose values will become new column names

  3. the values_from are the column whose values will fill the new columns

Dplyr in action - pivot_wider()

rna_wide = pivot_wider(
                names_from = sample,
                values_from = expression)
# A tibble: 1,474 × 23
   gene    GSM2545336 GSM2545337 GSM2545338 GSM2545339 GSM2545340 GSM2545341
   <chr>        <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
 1 Asl           1170        361        400        586        626        988
 2 Apod         36194      10347       9173      10620      13021      29594
 3 Cyp2d22       4060       1616       1603       1901       2171       3349
 4 Klk6           287        629        641        578        448        195
 5 Fcrls           85        233        244        237        180         38
 6 Slc2a4         782        231        248        265        313        786
 7 Exd2          1619       2288       2235       2513       2366       1359
 8 Gjc2           288        595        568        551        310        146
 9 Plp1         43217     101241      96534      58354      53126      27173
10 Gnb4          1071       1791       1867       1430       1355        798
# ℹ 1,464 more rows
# ℹ 16 more variables: GSM2545342 <dbl>, GSM2545343 <dbl>, GSM2545344 <dbl>,
#   GSM2545345 <dbl>, GSM2545346 <dbl>, GSM2545347 <dbl>, GSM2545348 <dbl>,
#   GSM2545349 <dbl>, GSM2545350 <dbl>, GSM2545351 <dbl>, GSM2545352 <dbl>,
#   GSM2545353 <dbl>, GSM2545354 <dbl>, GSM2545362 <dbl>, GSM2545363 <dbl>,
#   GSM2545380 <dbl>

Dplyr in action - pivot_wider()

Dplyr in action - pivot_wider()

By default, missing values will be converted to NA, we can change it with values_fill

rna_wide_noNAs = pivot_wider(
                      names_from = sample,
                      values_from = expression,
                      values_fill = 0)
# A tibble: 1,474 × 23
   gene    GSM2545336 GSM2545337 GSM2545338 GSM2545339 GSM2545340 GSM2545341
   <chr>        <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
 1 Asl           1170        361        400        586        626        988
 2 Apod         36194      10347       9173      10620      13021      29594
 3 Cyp2d22       4060       1616       1603       1901       2171       3349
 4 Klk6           287        629        641        578        448        195
 5 Fcrls           85        233        244        237        180         38
 6 Slc2a4         782        231        248        265        313        786
 7 Exd2          1619       2288       2235       2513       2366       1359
 8 Gjc2           288        595        568        551        310        146
 9 Plp1         43217     101241      96534      58354      53126      27173
10 Gnb4          1071       1791       1867       1430       1355        798
# ℹ 1,464 more rows
# ℹ 16 more variables: GSM2545342 <dbl>, GSM2545343 <dbl>, GSM2545344 <dbl>,
#   GSM2545345 <dbl>, GSM2545346 <dbl>, GSM2545347 <dbl>, GSM2545348 <dbl>,
#   GSM2545349 <dbl>, GSM2545350 <dbl>, GSM2545351 <dbl>, GSM2545352 <dbl>,
#   GSM2545353 <dbl>, GSM2545354 <dbl>, GSM2545362 <dbl>, GSM2545363 <dbl>,
#   GSM2545380 <dbl>

Dplyr in action - write_csv

Finally, we could need to save our data as a new file for later use or sharing, we can use write_csv()

write_csv(rna_wide_noNAs, file = "output/rna_wide.csv")


  • readxl:: is the Tidyverse library for reading data from Excel formats
  • read_excel(), read_xls() and read_xlsx() are some of the functions provided
  • The excel_sheets() function yields the names of the sheets in the Excel file
  • But please, don’t use Excel

Any questions?

We will next talk about how to manipulate data in data frames/tibbles using the Tidyverse.