In this course we will use R and the Seurat package to introduce the basic analysis steps and quality controls for single-cell RNA data. The target audience are PhD students and post-docs who have previous experience with R language.

Seurat is an R package designed for QC, analysis, and exploration of single-cell RNA-seq data. Seurat aims to enable users to identify and interpret sources of heterogeneity from single-cell transcriptomic measurements, and to integrate diverse types of single-cell data. All methods emphasize clear, attractive, and interpretable visualizations. Seurat is developed and maintained by the Satija lab and is released under the MIT license.

Goal: After the course, you will understand the challenges of single-cell RNA datasets, be able to conduct quality control of such data, and use Seurat to conduct your own analysis.



This is a hands-on course and requires (1) a WLAN-capable laptop with Internet access (your device needs to be registered with Core-IT). (2) An account for Workbench. We will use the Rstudio server at the MPI-IE. If you do not have an account yet, you will need to request a ‘linux’ account from core-IT (please do so well before the course starts). We will be using R 4.2.3, Bioconductor 3.16, and Seurat 5.0.2 during this course.

Even though a simple laptop may not be powerful enough to handle larger analysis, you can use a local installation of R as well. Download it from here for your platform: Linux, Mac, Windows.

Some previous knowledge is assumed:

  • R-language: has been covered by our introductory course.

  • Bulk RNA-seq: has been covered by our introductory course.

  • Your keyboard! Special characters will be needed throughout the course, e.g. $ , | , [, ], {, }, >, <, #, ~, &, ^, %, !, ?

Course language: English