# .libPaths(new = "/scratch/local/rseurat/pkg-lib-4.2.3")
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, format = TRUE, out.width = "100%")
options(parallelly.fork.enable = FALSE,
future.globals.maxSize = 8 * 1024 ^ 2 * 1000)
plan("multicore", workers = 8)
## work directory: /home/runner/work/Rseurat/Rseurat/rmd
## library path(s): /home/runner/micromamba/envs/Rseurat/lib/R/library
We’ll be working with the data from Day 1 (“First steps”), let’s quickly re-load and re-process again:
pbmc <- Read10X(data.dir = "./datasets/filtered_gene_bc_matrices/hg19/") %>%
CreateSeuratObject(counts = ., project = "pbmc3k", min.cells = 3, min.features = 200)
pbmc[["percent.mt"]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(pbmc, pattern = "^MT-")
pbmc <- subset(pbmc, subset = nFeature_RNA > 200 & nFeature_RNA < 2500 & percent.mt < 5)
pbmc <- NormalizeData(pbmc, verbose = FALSE)
pbmc <- FindVariableFeatures(pbmc, verbose = FALSE)
pbmc <- ScaleData(pbmc, features = rownames(pbmc), verbose = FALSE)
pbmc <- RunPCA(pbmc, features = VariableFeatures(pbmc), verbose = FALSE)
pbmc <- FindNeighbors(pbmc, dims = seq_len(10), verbose = FALSE)
pbmc <- FindClusters(pbmc, resolution = 0.5, verbose = FALSE)
pbmc <- RunUMAP(pbmc, dims = seq_len(10), verbose = FALSE)
Having identified (and visualized) clusters of cells we want to learn about the specific genes under differential expression.
We will focus on how to derive marker genes for any
given groups of cells. To this end, Seurat has different convenient
functions that run Differential Expression (DE) tests.
One such function, and the main one is FindMarkers()
. Among
other parameters, it takes:
, and ident.2
: typically these
denote specific cluster numbers (“identities”) of cells, but any other
annotation from the metadata will work as well.test.use
: select from a wide range of statistical
models and/ or methodologies (we use “MAST”)MAST controls for the proportion of genes detected in each
cell, this acts as a proxy for both technical (e.g., dropout,
amplification efficiency) and biological factors (e.g., cell volume and
extrinsic factors other than treatment of interest) that globally
influence gene expression. It is a two-part generalized linear model
that simultaneously models the rate of expression over the background of
various transcripts, and the positive expression mean. Another popular
option is DESeq2
, with plenty
of caveats that the Seurat authors may have addressed.
Let’s do a comparison between cells that were assigned to either cluster 1 or 2.
markers1v2 <- FindMarkers(
object = pbmc,
test.use = "MAST",
ident.1 = 1,
ident.2 = 2,
verbose = FALSE
## Done!
## Combining coefficients and standard errors
## Calculating log-fold changes
## Calculating likelihood ratio tests
## Refitting on reduced model...
## Done!
The resulting object is a data frame with the following columns:
: p-value (unadjusted!)avg_log2FC
: log fold-change of the average expression
between the two groups. Positive values indicate that the feature is
more highly expressed in the first group.pct.1
: The percentage of cells where the feature is
detected in the first grouppct.2
: The percentage of cells where the feature is
detected in the second groupp_val_adj
: Adjusted p-value, based on Bonferroni
correction using all features in the dataset.You may inspect the results with either View()
🧭✨ Polls:
Given that genes used for clustering are the same genes tested for differential expression, Would you interpret the (adjusted) p-values without concerns?
Which marker gene is the most expressed in cluster 1 when comparing it to cluster 2?
What would happen if we used
ident.1 = 2
, andident.2 = 1
(default), then
will run a test between the group
and all other cellsc(1,3)
) as
to compare against all the cells of clusters one
and three, pooled together.?FindMarkers
There are different flavors of these Find*
It’s important to get to know them!
will find markers between two different
identity groups - you have to specify both identity groups. This
is useful for comparing the differences between two specific
will find markers differentially
expressed in each identity group by comparing it to all of the others -
you don’t have to manually define anything. Note that markers may bleed
over between closely-related groups - they are not forced to be specific
to only one group.
will find markers that are
conserved between two groups of cells, across different conditions (for
example, a treated and control). FindConservedMarkers
has a
mandatory argument, the grouping variable (grouping.var
and the function is used to compare across groups (conditions), it will
combine p-values of running FindMarkers
for the two groups
of cells (idents
), in each condition. It means they
are differentially expressed compared to other groups in the respective
conditions, but have differential expression between the those two
groups across the conditions.
Seurat includes several tools for visualizing marker expression.
and RidgePlot
show the probability
density distributions of expression values across clusters, and
visualizes feature expression in a reduction
(e.g. PCA, t-SNE, or UMAP). The latter is equivalent to
⌨🔥 Exercise: Draw a RidgePlot with the vector
What are the differences between clusters? disregarding any other metadata (cell-cycle, treatments, groups, etc). Let’s compare 1 vs all, 2 vs all, … etc.
For computational efficiency we’ll use pbmc_small
is a downsampled PBMC3K data set bundled with Seurat. (Yes, it won’t
appear in your Global Environment but it’s ready to be loaded upon
execution of code.)
markers.between.clusters <- FindAllMarkers(
test.use = "MAST",
logfc.threshold = 0.125,
min.pct = 0.05,
only.pos = TRUE,
densify = TRUE
## Calculating cluster 0
## Done!
## Combining coefficients and standard errors
## Calculating log-fold changes
## Calculating likelihood ratio tests
## Refitting on reduced model...
## Done!
## Calculating cluster 1
## Done!
## Combining coefficients and standard errors
## Calculating log-fold changes
## Calculating likelihood ratio tests
## Refitting on reduced model...
## Done!
## Calculating cluster 2
## Done!
## Combining coefficients and standard errors
## Calculating log-fold changes
## Calculating likelihood ratio tests
## Refitting on reduced model...
## Done!
## p_val avg_log2FC pct.1 pct.2 p_val_adj cluster gene
## GNLY 3.650213e-06 7.5951567 0.444 0.068 8.395490e-04 0 GNLY
## CCL5 7.316150e-06 2.1637570 0.667 0.273 1.682714e-03 0 CCL5
## CD7 1.747043e-05 3.8815815 0.528 0.091 4.018199e-03 0 CD7
## LAMP1 8.331300e-05 4.2754193 0.444 0.068 1.916199e-02 0 LAMP1
## NKG7 1.040648e-04 2.0463041 0.472 0.409 2.393491e-02 0 NKG7
## TUBB1 1.277014e-04 11.7032356 0.250 0.000 2.937131e-02 0 TUBB1
## GP9 1.277014e-04 10.9796850 0.250 0.000 2.937131e-02 0 GP9
## NGFRAP1 1.277014e-04 10.3900756 0.250 0.000 2.937131e-02 0 NGFRAP1
## GZMA 2.841378e-04 2.4750157 0.444 0.068 6.535170e-02 0 GZMA
## NOSIP 2.978655e-04 3.1107859 0.444 0.250 6.850907e-02 0 NOSIP
## AKR1C3 3.461924e-04 10.3326298 0.222 0.000 7.962426e-02 0 AKR1C3
## PGRMC1 3.461924e-04 10.1143303 0.222 0.000 7.962426e-02 0 PGRMC1
## LCK 4.086765e-04 2.7174842 0.500 0.114 9.399559e-02 0 LCK
## PPBP 5.727274e-04 6.2210236 0.278 0.068 1.317273e-01 0 PPBP
## PF4 7.269306e-04 7.8762665 0.250 0.023 1.671940e-01 0 PF4
## PRF1 8.869645e-04 2.4884769 0.417 0.091 2.040018e-01 0 PRF1
## TMEM40 9.229981e-04 9.7113490 0.194 0.000 2.122896e-01 0 TMEM40
## GZMB 9.883116e-04 4.5344157 0.333 0.091 2.273117e-01 0 GZMB
## CST7 1.151716e-03 2.3576102 0.472 0.182 2.648947e-01 0 CST7
## CD247 1.321001e-03 3.1919811 0.389 0.068 3.038302e-01 0 CD247
## IL32 1.357829e-03 2.6835667 0.444 0.182 3.123006e-01 0 IL32
## GNG11 1.624489e-03 6.8127586 0.250 0.023 3.736324e-01 0 GNG11
## GZMM 1.692823e-03 2.2558215 0.417 0.091 3.893494e-01 0 GZMM
## ACAP1 1.744305e-03 4.9623836 0.306 0.045 4.011901e-01 0 ACAP1
## XBP1 2.004571e-03 2.6445880 0.444 0.159 4.610513e-01 0 XBP1
## KLRD1 2.113001e-03 4.9323956 0.278 0.023 4.859903e-01 0 KLRD1
## GIMAP1 2.116378e-03 2.9412718 0.417 0.273 4.867669e-01 0 GIMAP1
## CD3D 2.297727e-03 1.4719637 0.472 0.136 5.284773e-01 0 CD3D
## PTCRA 2.426135e-03 10.2639307 0.167 0.000 5.580111e-01 0 PTCRA
## GPX1 2.811945e-03 1.1142613 0.556 0.750 6.467474e-01 0 GPX1
## SDPR 2.893784e-03 5.4636858 0.250 0.045 6.655703e-01 0 SDPR
## NCOA4 3.497782e-03 3.5144647 0.306 0.159 8.044898e-01 0 NCOA4
## TPM4 3.929968e-03 2.3114013 0.444 0.273 9.038925e-01 0 TPM4
## CLU 4.048166e-03 5.6000850 0.250 0.023 9.310781e-01 0 CLU
## IL7R 4.607904e-03 3.0584481 0.389 0.295 1.000000e+00 0 IL7R
## CD3E 5.195127e-03 2.5655245 0.444 0.205 1.000000e+00 0 CD3E
## CD9 5.900192e-03 4.7767245 0.250 0.023 1.000000e+00 0 CD9
## GZMH 6.272982e-03 3.5948085 0.250 0.023 1.000000e+00 0 GZMH
## SAFB2 6.306739e-03 9.5098713 0.139 0.000 1.000000e+00 0 SAFB2
## RARRES3 7.019218e-03 1.8186318 0.528 0.250 1.000000e+00 0 RARRES3
## TALDO1 8.686875e-03 1.3435273 0.389 0.591 1.000000e+00 0 TALDO1
## EIF4A2 8.935622e-03 1.6124755 0.556 0.477 1.000000e+00 0 EIF4A2
## CA2 9.077357e-03 6.0702617 0.222 0.023 1.000000e+00 0 CA2
## S100A8 2.847665e-15 6.5990076 0.960 0.091 6.549630e-13 1 S100A8
## TYMP 6.288233e-14 3.2888895 1.000 0.164 1.446294e-11 1 TYMP
## S100A9 2.601646e-12 5.5250920 0.880 0.164 5.983786e-10 1 S100A9
## LYZ 1.144613e-11 3.0454906 1.000 0.473 2.632609e-09 1 LYZ
## CST3 1.553266e-11 2.3777356 1.000 0.327 3.572511e-09 1 CST3
## AIF1 7.395409e-11 2.4677179 1.000 0.273 1.700944e-08 1 AIF1
## LST1 9.019583e-11 2.6472667 0.960 0.200 2.074504e-08 1 LST1
## FCGRT 6.344380e-10 3.1859969 0.840 0.109 1.459207e-07 1 FCGRT
## TYROBP 1.643849e-09 2.1213129 1.000 0.382 3.780852e-07 1 TYROBP
## IFITM3 5.738102e-09 2.8154556 0.800 0.109 1.319763e-06 1 IFITM3
## S100A11 5.994495e-09 1.9813927 1.000 0.364 1.378734e-06 1 S100A11
## FCER1G 6.606599e-09 1.8630811 1.000 0.364 1.519518e-06 1 FCER1G
## FCN1 8.110417e-09 2.1945517 0.880 0.182 1.865396e-06 1 FCN1
## LGALS1 7.989746e-08 1.7459068 1.000 0.455 1.837642e-05 1 LGALS1
## GRN 1.225994e-07 2.3624897 0.760 0.127 2.819786e-05 1 GRN
## SERPINA1 1.851626e-07 3.2518562 0.720 0.109 4.258740e-05 1 SERPINA1
## PSAP 2.384511e-07 1.3275995 1.000 0.436 5.484375e-05 1 PSAP
## LGALS3 2.745689e-07 2.8289100 0.720 0.109 6.315085e-05 1 LGALS3
## SMCO4 3.460143e-07 3.7921864 0.520 0.018 7.958328e-05 1 SMCO4
## CD14 4.049172e-07 5.9141467 0.520 0.018 9.313095e-05 1 CD14
## BID 8.852004e-07 2.7681585 0.720 0.127 2.035961e-04 1 BID
## HLA-DRB1 1.370690e-06 0.3130038 0.880 0.345 3.152587e-04 1 HLA-DRB1
## CTSS 1.395130e-06 1.7891596 0.960 0.436 3.208800e-04 1 CTSS
## CTSB 1.564299e-06 3.1117200 0.680 0.109 3.597888e-04 1 CTSB
## FPR1 2.016368e-06 5.5241320 0.480 0.018 4.637647e-04 1 FPR1
## CFD 2.229943e-06 3.1204838 0.640 0.091 5.128869e-04 1 CFD
## IFI30 2.360071e-06 2.5132407 0.640 0.091 5.428164e-04 1 IFI30
## SAT1 3.559003e-06 1.6608880 1.000 0.582 8.185708e-04 1 SAT1
## HCK 3.584022e-06 3.0560240 0.560 0.055 8.243250e-04 1 HCK
## C5AR1 6.267039e-06 3.0270722 0.440 0.018 1.441419e-03 1 C5AR1
## IFI6 6.788620e-06 2.0224119 0.720 0.164 1.561383e-03 1 IFI6
## TSPO 7.931052e-06 2.1358314 0.880 0.364 1.824142e-03 1 TSPO
## HLA-DPB1 1.008014e-05 0.2075741 0.880 0.382 2.318431e-03 1 HLA-DPB1
## NUP214 1.280561e-05 3.0597800 0.480 0.036 2.945291e-03 1 NUP214
## CFP 1.393939e-05 2.2969910 0.680 0.145 3.206059e-03 1 CFP
## MS4A6A 1.500518e-05 3.2406748 0.520 0.055 3.451191e-03 1 MS4A6A
## CARD16 1.630711e-05 1.5611113 0.720 0.182 3.750636e-03 1 CARD16
## IL1B 2.142693e-05 4.8523958 0.480 0.055 4.928193e-03 1 IL1B
## LGALS2 2.796001e-05 3.0523244 0.600 0.109 6.430803e-03 1 LGALS2
## RNF130 3.381203e-05 3.3824278 0.560 0.091 7.776767e-03 1 RNF130
## GSTP1 3.837735e-05 1.4078657 0.880 0.364 8.826791e-03 1 GSTP1
## COTL1 5.787787e-05 1.5534206 0.960 0.545 1.331191e-02 1 COTL1
## RGS2 5.884770e-05 0.3660526 0.680 0.200 1.353497e-02 1 RGS2
## NFKBIA 7.026710e-05 1.1625780 0.880 0.382 1.616143e-02 1 NFKBIA
## HLA-DRB5 1.051939e-04 0.5602599 0.760 0.309 2.419460e-02 1 HLA-DRB5
## LINC00936 2.269283e-04 1.7851560 0.600 0.145 5.219351e-02 1 LINC00936
## ANXA2 3.441356e-04 0.6878531 0.840 0.400 7.915119e-02 1 ANXA2
## HLA-DPA1 3.742650e-04 0.8564766 0.840 0.382 8.608096e-02 1 HLA-DPA1
## ASGR1 5.485889e-04 5.4944900 0.320 0.018 1.261754e-01 1 ASGR1
## WARS 6.645957e-04 0.9639056 0.440 0.091 1.528570e-01 1 WARS
## BLVRA 7.687696e-04 1.5458200 0.560 0.145 1.768170e-01 1 BLVRA
## IL17RA 7.887600e-04 8.9743938 0.200 0.000 1.814148e-01 1 IL17RA
## LRRC25 1.672055e-03 1.5100103 0.440 0.091 3.845727e-01 1 LRRC25
## RBP7 1.928482e-03 2.8827067 0.280 0.018 4.435508e-01 1 RBP7
## CD68 2.086156e-03 2.1899000 0.520 0.145 4.798160e-01 1 CD68
## MPEG1 2.678808e-03 2.2679902 0.400 0.073 6.161257e-01 1 MPEG1
## HLA-DQA1 3.701779e-03 0.1700967 0.520 0.236 8.514091e-01 1 HLA-DQA1
## HLA-DMA 3.837196e-03 0.9162510 0.560 0.200 8.825551e-01 1 HLA-DMA
## VSTM1 7.460020e-03 4.3465859 0.240 0.018 1.000000e+00 1 VSTM1
## SCO2 8.968442e-03 2.8265606 0.320 0.055 1.000000e+00 1 SCO2
## HLA-DPB11 1.950378e-07 2.5347345 0.947 0.410 4.485870e-05 2 HLA-DPB1
## MS4A1 6.434726e-07 7.6239517 0.526 0.033 1.479987e-04 2 MS4A1
## HLA-DRA 1.218985e-06 2.6211073 0.895 0.623 2.803665e-04 2 HLA-DRA
## HLA-DQB1 1.444563e-06 3.0151024 0.789 0.246 3.322494e-04 2 HLA-DQB1
## HLA-DRB11 4.827866e-06 2.4070871 0.842 0.410 1.110409e-03 2 HLA-DRB1
## CD79A 3.727112e-05 5.4927202 0.474 0.066 8.572359e-03 2 CD79A
## HLA-DPA11 1.126690e-04 1.7589627 0.895 0.410 2.591388e-02 2 HLA-DPA1
## HLA-DMB 1.452834e-04 3.1288026 0.632 0.213 3.341517e-02 2 HLA-DMB
## FCER2 1.599821e-04 10.5514375 0.263 0.000 3.679589e-02 2 FCER2
## LINC00926 1.599821e-04 10.8847050 0.263 0.000 3.679589e-02 2 LINC00926
## CD79B 1.744727e-04 3.4851259 0.632 0.180 4.012872e-02 2 CD79B
## TCL1A 1.787295e-04 6.6292475 0.368 0.016 4.110778e-02 2 TCL1A
## HLA-DRB51 1.846668e-04 2.0642355 0.789 0.344 4.247336e-02 2 HLA-DRB5
## HLA-DQA11 3.798388e-04 2.5333294 0.632 0.230 8.736293e-02 2 HLA-DQA1
## NT5C 3.996646e-04 4.0553585 0.526 0.098 9.192286e-02 2 NT5C
## LY86 6.258764e-04 3.5326492 0.526 0.131 1.439516e-01 2 LY86
## CD180 8.992655e-04 10.4809314 0.211 0.000 2.068311e-01 2 CD180
## CD19 8.992655e-04 10.9857205 0.211 0.000 2.068311e-01 2 CD19
## CYB561A3 8.992655e-04 10.7185670 0.211 0.000 2.068311e-01 2 CYB561A3
## KIAA0125 8.992655e-04 10.6591435 0.211 0.000 2.068311e-01 2 KIAA0125
## HVCN1 1.997492e-03 5.0298845 0.368 0.066 4.594233e-01 2 HVCN1
## HLA-DQA2 3.249129e-03 2.6952213 0.474 0.115 7.472998e-01 2 HLA-DQA2
## IGLL5 4.894640e-03 13.3932472 0.158 0.000 1.000000e+00 2 IGLL5
## CD200 4.894640e-03 10.4391754 0.158 0.000 1.000000e+00 2 CD200
## EAF2 9.341956e-03 5.2699980 0.316 0.049 1.000000e+00 2 EAF2
## SP100 9.699402e-03 2.3096455 0.526 0.164 1.000000e+00 2 SP100
There is another common visualization technique that involves mapping the percent of cells that express a certain gene to the size of a dot, and color it according to the average expression value. Here’s an example:
🧭✨ Polls: How would you extract the ‘gene programme’ of a given cluster? A ‘gene programme’ would be the group of genes that are characteristic and could serve the purpose of defining such a cluster as a given celltype.
⌨🔥 Exercise: We’ll distribute the room in groups again (N<=9), and assign a cluster to each. Get the “gene signature” of your assigned cluster, see if you can assign the correct celltypes by using the following list of gene markers.
list( `Naive CD4+ T` = c("IL7R", "CCR7"), `CD14+ Mono` = c("CD14", "LYZ"), `Memory CD4+` = c("IL7R", "S100A4"), B = c("MS4A1"), `CD8+ T` = c("CD8A"), `FCGR3A+ Mono` = c("FCGR3A", "MS4A7"), NK = c("GNLY", "NKG7"), DC = c("FCER1A", "CST3"), Platelet = c("PPBP") )
## $`Naive CD4+ T` ## [1] "IL7R" "CCR7" ## ## $`CD14+ Mono` ## [1] "CD14" "LYZ" ## ## $`Memory CD4+` ## [1] "IL7R" "S100A4" ## ## $B ## [1] "MS4A1" ## ## $`CD8+ T` ## [1] "CD8A" ## ## $`FCGR3A+ Mono` ## [1] "FCGR3A" "MS4A7" ## ## $NK ## [1] "GNLY" "NKG7" ## ## $DC ## [1] "FCER1A" "CST3" ## ## $Platelet ## [1] "PPBP"
Apart from getting and visualizing marker genes, we would ultimately want to see whether there are common functional themes in those marker lists. This will be covered in the next section.