This days is meant for free data exploration !
We suggest two data sets from the following publications, and their corresponding data repositories.
Both analyses are centered around mouse brain development. For details and conclusions driven from these results please consult the original research articles.
Please make sure to run the two code blocks below!
installed_packages <- installed.packages()
if (!"hdf5r" %in% installed_packages) BiocManager::install("hdf5r")
if (!"presto" %in% installed_packages) remotes::install_github('immunogenomics/presto')
# necessary because of the read-in of the Loo et al matrix
Sys.setenv("VROOM_CONNECTION_SIZE" = 131072 * 5)
## convenient function wrapper, feel free to add your own ;)
mySCT <- function(...) {
method = "glmGamPoi",
vst.flavor = "v2",
verbose = FALSE,
parallelly.fork.enable = FALSE,
future.globals.maxSize = 8 * 1024^2 * 1000
plan("multicore", workers = 8)
cat("work directory: ", getwd())
cat("library path(s): ", .libPaths())
# runs ~5min
dir <- "/scratch/local/rseurat/datasets/mouse_brain/"
mat_name <- paste0(dir, "Loo/GSE123335_E14_combined_matrix.txt.gz")
ann_name <- paste0(dir, "Loo/GSE123335_E14_combined_matrix_ClusterAnnotations.txt.gz")
loo_mat <- read.delim(mat_name, row.names = 1)
loo_meta <- read.delim(ann_name, row.names = 1) # column name = Cluster
loo <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = loo_mat, = loo_meta) # 488 MB
loo$source <- "Loo"
h5_name <- paste0(dir, "DiBella/GSM4635075_E14_5_filtered_gene_bc_matrices_h5.h5")
db_mat <- Read10X_h5(filename = h5_name)
db <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = db_mat) # 222 MB
db$source <- "DiBella"
# clean-up
rm(loo_mat, loo_meta, db_mat)
# in case there are problems with hd5
# saveRDS(db, file='DiBella_SeuratObj.rds') #
# rds_name <- paste0(dir,"DiBella/DiBella_SeuratObj.rds")
# db <- readRDS(rds_name)
We made it easy here, but in the real world this may take a substantial amount of time. Also notice that there can be various file formats in which to obtain scRNAseq datasets.
…just kidding. Apart from our lecture material, you are encouraged to use general searches on the WWW (e.g. Rseek). There are excellent resources available.
Especially for Seurat, there is one outstanding cheat sheet which should help you with most of the tasks below:
The analysis of Loo et al. highlighted the role of
, Gad2
, Eomes
, and
UMAP algorithmShould you be more interested in data structures, you could also
check the Seurat data object with View()
; it’s huge and has many slots
that will be updated as the analysis proceeds.
Notice: Here we only use the data for E14.5 (not P0)
TIP: You might want to create and work with a new
Seurat Object e.g. loo_alone
since we will return to the
original data loo
in the second part.
Apart from yielding suggestive plots, the main reason for
dimensionality reduction was feature selection
, i.e. the
selection of informative genes (and PCA components) that will enable
In fact, the authors invested much effort to identify a proper number of clusters and subclusters.
Use variable resolution parameters and inspect the results - which resolution (=number of clusters) would you choose?
TIP: the same SeuratObj
may hold
multiple clustering results. By default, the column
in our
slot will
point to the last run.
# FindNeighbors(...)
# Define Resolutions, e.g. res=c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0)
# FindClusters(...)
# Inspect Metadata
# Plot UMAP for different resolutions (hint: change ...)
Explore the different cluster solutions with respect to their sizes and pairwise relationships (hint: table).
Similarly, compare a given cluster solution with the authors solution - the later is provided as metadata column ‘Cluster’.
Subset the Seurat object to visualize only specific clusters more closely un a UMAP.
Notice: per default the clusters are sorted by their sizes and the largest one has index 0 !
# just some suggestions! %>%
select(starts_with("SCT")) %>%
lapply(table) # cluster sizes for all resolutions %>%
select(c("Cluster", "__your_choice_here")) %>%
table() %>%
pheatmap() # compare cluster solution with previous annotation
loo_alone %>%
subset(idents = "__your_choice_here") %>%
DimPlot() # cluster selection
If you have more time and energy, try changing the number of PCA components and consider how this will affect the clusters.
Message: Choosing a satisfying cluster solution is an art - it requires checks, iterations and biological insight!
This was quite expensive. Make sure to save your valuable Seurat object with all the calculated slots inside.
This will be an important checkpoint for future exploration; try to read it to make sure it works.
Keep track on where you are writing and reading from:
Ultimately we will need marker genes to give names and meaning to clusters. To keep things simple, find the top 10 marker genes for a cluster of your choice.
Make sure you first decide on a specific cluster solution from above.
Per default this is the last one you calculated, but you can overwrite
this by assigning new identities to cells:
. To this end you can use suitable colnames from
the metadata of the Seurat object.
If you plan a really long coffee break, you can also try to find all markers for all clusters.
# default identity = 'seurat_cluster' (after clustering)
c_choice <- "__Your_choice_here_" # explicit choice of cluster solution
Idents(loo_alone) <- c_choice # redefines identity --> slot `active.ident`
loo_alone %>%
Idents() %>%
table() %>%
barplot() # number of cells per cluster
# Find and Inspect marker for certain clusters (=identities)
# Only for long breaks: FindAllMarkers(loo_alone)
The authors like to present their results as heatmaps of clusters and marker genes - you can can do this too! Try plotting a heatmap (?DoHeatmap) over all cells, but only for the 10 markers you have defined above. You may also filter out the smaller clusters (index>10) as they disturb the pretty plots
Another question about markers is whether most cells in a cluster express them, and if their expression is strong (the papers motivates subclustering based on these observations). We have a powerful tool to visualize this issue: ?D otPlot. Try it out.
Do you remember how to send a figure to file?
Pick one of the plots above and ggsave
it. Make sure
you know into which directory you will be writing.
Since this part of the analysis is done, let’s be kind to RAM and remove large temporary objects
PS: Have a look at the author’s processing R script, and appreciate how much software has developed since 2019 - and simplified analyses.
You’re doing great! At this point, you might want to make a pause.
Loo et al. (2019) are not the only lab to be interested in brain development. A more recent work by DiBella et al. (2021) has different data. Try to integrate these two datasets.
In addition to the usual filtering of low and highly abundant genes, you might also want to downsample the data sets to ~3000 cells (for simple speed benefits).
Be aware that the Loo dataset incorporates 6 replicates (identities) and Seurat downsampling is done per identity. If you have more time you can also skip the downsampling.
When reading the data, we assigned a source
label to all
cells from those two studies.
Use merge()
to merge these two similar datasets, process
the merged data as usual, and plot a UMAP to show that there is a strong
batch effect.
Message: Simple merge is too simple! There should be more commonalities in those 2 datasets.
Try to account for batch effects using anchors
Before you continue: have a look at your newly integrated dataset
(e.g. with View()
). It has grown in size and it contains
additional assays.
For further analysis, make sure that in the following you are using
the assay integrated
, like so:
DefaultAssay( your_integrated_serat_object) <-
Of course you understand that each of the following processing steps requires careful checking, but for now just get going with the default pipeline:transformations, PCA, UMAP. Also defining cell neighbourhoods, and clustering.
For the last step just assume some typical resolution;
e.g. resolution=0.5
for simplicity (not because it is the
This will take a while. So again it is a good idea to save the seurat object after you are done
You are almost done. Time to make a few more UMAPs in which you’d label:
With some luck we should be able to draw a correspondence of the annotated cell type (only defined for the Loo data) and our cluster ID (defined for all cells in the integrated dataset).